
 This blog hosts the work of students in an undergraduate course taught in Spring 2015 at Lycoming College entitled Civil Rights and Liberties (PSCI 331D), by Dr. Daniel Tagliarina. The dedicated students in this course will maintain their own blogs pertaining to specific topics regarding rights and liberties in the US. I’ll offer weekly round-up posts on this site summarizing the students’ insights. Additionally, I might offer my own occasional insight regarding SCOTUS and issues of rights and liberties.

The views expressed here are my own (or that of the students to which they are attributed), and thus do not necessarily reflect the views of Lycoming College, the Department of Political Science, or potentially any other human being anywhere. Despite the association with a specific course, nothing in this blog represents the official views of Lycoming College or any of its representatives or departments.

You can follow me on Twitter: @proftags, as well as on academia.edu here.

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